Ask yourself...

If you voted for McCain/Palin because you were concerned about Obama's "associations":
  • Obama - Bill Ayers (anti-war activist), Wiki: "In 1973, the federal government requested the dismissal of the charges against the couple in the interest of national security following accusations of government misconduct..."
  • Obama - Pastor Jeremiah Wright, Wiki: "[Obama] expressed outrage and shock at a press conference on April 29 [2008]..."
  • Obama - Tony Rezko
  • Obama - muslim (he's actually a christian)
  • Obama - ACORN
... were you equally concerned about McCain/Palin's "associations"?

If you were concerned about Obama's "lack of experience", were you equally concerned about Palin's "lack of experience"?

With all that, I have one last question:

When Obama gave his speech in Chicago after winning the election, were you moved? Did you get goose-bumps? Do you fully realize the implications of America having elected it's first black president?

If not, then perhaps these aren't the right questions.

Perhaps the right question to ask is...

Are you a racist?


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