Tall girls rule

Original story

Sandy Allen, the tallest woman in the word at 7 feet 7 inches, passed away on Wednesday at the age of 53.

A friend of the family, Rita Rose, confirmed that Allen died at a nursing home in her hometown of Shelbyville, Indiana.

Allen had been hospitalized in recent months as she was suffering from a recurring blood infection - not to mention diabetes, kidney failure, and breathing problems.

However, the cause of death is not yet known.

Allen's height is attributed to a tumor which caused her pituitary gland to produce way too much growth hormone. Luckily she underwent surgey in 1977 to remove the tumor and prevent further growth.

Rose said Allen later learned to be proud of her height. She says Allen "embraced it. She used it as a tool to educate people."

Back in 1974 Allen even wrote to the Guinness World Records in 1974, saying she'd like to get to know someone her own height.

She wrote, "It is needless to say my social life is practically nil and perhaps the publicity from your book may brighten my life."

Of that publicity, Rose says, "It kind of brought her out of her shell. She got to the point where she could joke about it."

Allen used her height to inspire schoolchildren and others to accept those who are different.

So in her memory, Rose is working to set up a scholarship fund in Allen's name, with proceeds going to Shelbyville High School.

Rose adds, "She loved talking to kids because they would ask more honest questions. Adults would kind of stand back and stare and not know how to approach her."


sandy said…
I'm also a "Sandy Allen;" over the years I've come across Sandy Allen in print and in online articles so often I feel I know her. I was fascinated when I discovered 'my name' in Guinness. I was always impressed with her attitude and her work with kids. Condolences from this Sandy Allen!

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