JUSTICE for Bandit

I got this as a comment to this post, but I decided to put it on my main page.
JUSTICE for Bandit !!

Bandit's Tribute Dogster page.

  1. Bandit be given a FULL Police funeral complete with other Phoenix Metro area PD K-9s. (*Bandit died in the patrol car while still on duty or at least he didn't know differently.)
  2. Sgt Lovejoy of Chandler P.D. NEVER be permitted to own, partner with or supervise the care or training of ANY/all Police K-9s in the state of Arizona
  3. Proper disciplinary actions will prevail once both C.P.D. and MCSO investigations are complete.

We are shocked are the initial passiveness of the CPD. We are disappointed in the "excuses" sent forth from Lovejoy & CPD.

A private ceremony in an INSULT to K9 Bandit. It's not Bandit's fault that HIS PARTNER & FAMILY let him down.

PS - for a real treat.. read the MCSO incident report & how it could've been "covered up" while professing complete truthfulness - NOT !!



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