Two untimely deaths... very sad

This past Thursday, we lost a two special souls.

Joe Mojica and his 6-year old daughter Jeanie were killed in a car accident.

Joe was a member of our herp group. He was a kind soul who loved his kids, his wife and his animals.

Joe had been fighting and winning a hard battle with esophageal cancer. His recent bouts with the nasty side-effects of long-term prednisone use had battered his body but not his spirit.

His love for his daughter was always evident and all his kids were his life.

He will be greatly missed.

Here are a few news stories about the accident:
Here is a website setup in his honor:

The funeral will be next Saturday, May 19th at 1pm.

Cook Waldon Capital Parks Funeral Home
14501 NIH-35
Pflugerville TX 78660
(512) 251-4118

His wife Elana has requested that in lieu of cards & flowers, donations be made to help offset funeral costs. Those can be made by contacting the funeral home directly.


Anonymous said…
Please check often at for ways to help Elana and the boys. There are a lot of people working hard to help. Please don't let this slide to the back burner.

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