
They're finally "mature", but because my hair was very thin, my dreads are skinny and some are only 4-5 inches long.
I can't wait until they grow long and I can pull them all back into a ponytail.
While I'm waiting, I've been experimenting with braiding in different stuff.
Right now, I have needlepoint thread braided in and I likey. I've extended some of the shorter dreads by braiding the threads out past the actual dread hair, and that gives the illusion of longer dreads.
It also helps with the dreaded (pun intended!) "unicorn" dread.
That's the short dread in the middle of my forehead that doesn't stay back on it's own and will occasionally stick out my forehead.
Like a unicorn horn.
So, I enjoy going around the house yelling... "UNICORN".
The hubby yells back.