The art of distraction
So, here goes.
Willie and Frankie both like to wake me up in the "morning". ("Morning" is in quotes cause I usually roll out of bed around 11-12, which for most people is lunch-time. If you have a problem with this, bite me.)
Anyway, this particular morning, Willie awoke with "morning wood" (or "lunch-time wood" if you prefer). Ew.
Then he and Frankie started wrassling and "it" happened.
Frankie stepped on the piece of "wood". Ow.
From that point on, the piece of "wood" would not go back to it's normal state. (I am so not going to describe this any further. Here's a more professional description.)
Willie couldn't even sit or lay down. I guess it was painful. It sure looked painful, although I tried NOT to look.
I called the hubby in the room and apprised him of the situation.
"You're the man, you take care of it", I said.Ew.
"What should I do?", he asked.
"I've heard of this happening after dogs mate. They say to sprinkle some sugar on it so they lick it and it goes away", I said.
Then the hubby started to play with Willie. (NO, it's NOT what you think, you pervert!)
He started to scratch his butt and ears and talk in a high squeaky voice, "Willie Willie Willie". He got Willie to wag his tail and get all happy.
Next thing you know, the "wood" has disappeared.
"Ahhh", I said, "the art of distraction".No answer.
Then I asked, "is that what you do, hunny? Was that like thinking of baseball?".