Life is short...

So here's my list of requests:
  • If you can walk, do it.
  • If you can run, go for it.
  • If you can jog, have at it.
  • If you can exercise, start now.
  • If you can swim, hike, canoe... get off your butt and do it.
  • Eat right. You have the power to control what you put in your body and therefor you can control that aspect of your own health.
  • Don't make excuses. Instead of lamenting about what you cannot do, do everything you CAN do and count your blessings.
Remember, there may come a day when you cannot move.

When I hear people complain that their feet (or whatever body part) hurt because they walked too much, all I can think is "at least you can walk". Just walk a little less or figure out a way to move without pain. And stop complaining.

You have a choice. Some of us don't.

Just my rant for the day.


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