Wyoming Reporter Gets Scoop on Dog Poop

CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) - Reporter Alison Stewart of the Powell Tribune proved this week she's willing to go to great lengths to get the scoop. Stewart reports in Thursday's edition that her recent survey of 3.6-acre Washington Park revealed "at least 108 dog poop piles."

The city passed an ordinance in 1991 requiring owners to pick up after their dogs, but Stewart's on-the-ground reporting proves that some owners aren't paying attention.

Bill Fields, superintendent of the Powell Parks Department told Stewart he's frustrated by the situation. City officials are considering baggie dispensers, banning dogs from city parks, or possibly encouraging residents to turn in scofflaws.

Stewart said she lives a block from Washington Park and has been following the situation there for some time.

"I wrote an article a couple of years ago, so this was just following up," Stewart said. "It seems like it's about the same. I don't think Powell is any worse than any other place I've lived."

Stewart said she enlisted a friend to help with the survey.

"We divided the park in half, and then just did it sort of in quadrants," Stewart said. "I would just take like a 10-yard section, and then count everything in just like a 5-yard section. It's rough, though."

But Stewart, who covers city government, said the assignment wasn't the worst she's ever faced.

"Pretty easy, I think," Stewart said. "I didn't have to ask anybody any questions they were avoiding."

Stewart reports that Powell law enforcement is taking the situation seriously but has found it hard to collar any offenders.

The law is difficult to enforce unless you have a witness who will testify, Powell Police Chief Tim Feathers told Stewart.

City Attorney Sandee Kitchen said in order for the city to prosecute, it would have to identify the person and dog and know the time and date of the offense.

Municipal Judge James Allison said he's never had a dog defecation case. But if one ever comes before him, he said he would consider a $100 fine, suspended if offenders cleaned up their messes and didn't reoffend for six months.

Until then, Powell residents will just have to watch their step.

Information from: The Powell Tribune, http://www.powelltribune.com


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