Ginger snaps

I starting thinking the other night about how I've been influenced in my life when it comes to my love of dogs.

I remember my grandparents always had dogs. Oddly, their dogs all looked the same (but they were mixed breeds) and they always named their dogs "Ginger". I guess they loved that name... a lot.

Unfortunately, the "Ginger's" were never very well behaved. They looked cute, but I don't remember them being very obedient. Sorry Grandma.

My mom and dad always had pets. We had a couple of dogs, some cats, a few hamsters and goldfish.

I had a goldfish I fed baloney. He was huge and lived forever. Guess it was all those preservatives.

The very first dog I could call my own was a puppy I got from a friend. I was about 16 and for some reason, my mom said I could keep him. I promised to look after him, feed, clean, housebreak... all that stuff.

But I was 16.

All I did was leave him on our back porch with some water and newspapers and then I went out to hang with my friends. He would poop all over that porch and my mom would have to clean it up when she got home from work.

I had him for about a week. Then I had to give him back.

I think I'm doing better than that now with my pooches.

What's influenced you regarding your love of animals?


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