the will-a-woman [thuh wil uh woom-uhn]

Sometimes I feel like my pets define me.

When I got my first dog (pet dog) JoJo, I became a "dog owner".
Then I began dog-training classes, beginner, intermediate, and advanced... and became a "dog trainer".

When I trained my first Service Dog, also JoJo, I became a "service-dog trainer".

I guess my reptiles also define me.

Once I got my first reptile, a Texas Alligator Lizard named James, I became a "lizard owner".
Some would disagree with that and say I actually became a nut-case for owning a cold-blooded, cricket-eating beast. (I do have friends that have nightmares about my house and what's in the freezer right now!)

As I expanded my reptile brood, I soon became a "herpetologist" and a "lizard breeder".

My relationships define me too.

I'm a "big sister", a "daughter", a "grand-daughter", a "cousin", a "niece".
I'm also a "wife", and some would say with all the animals I have, I'm a "mommy".

A face only a "mother" could love.


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