Lean on me

Our bed is up on risers, making it pretty high off the floor. It's pretty kewl because it gives us space to store stuff underneath, plus it makes the bed nice and tall for tall-drink-of-water me.

Last night, when climbing into bed, Frankie came along side me and put his front paws on the bed (leaving his rear paws on the floor). He stretched as tall as he could (which is pretty dern tall since he's a tall boy) and looked at me as if to say "mommy, can you pick me up onto the bed?".

That would be a No.

So I talked to him, saying "hup", trying to get him to jump into bed like he always does. Did I mention it was 2 a.m.?

I moved about a foot to the right of him and kept encouraging him to jump onto the bed.

He decided he was too tired to jump up, and instead moved sideways over to me and leaned on me.

Pretty cute. For a doofus...

I mean the dog. Oy.


Anonymous said…
gotta love that frankie


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