I'll refrain from quoting Sally Fields, but thank you!

AL Masters said...

WillaWomen, Nice comments. I too struggle with my own blog entries about disability. After a while blogging I noticed that I would write entries that were meant as a complaint about a particular disability related issue, and I did not like what I saw myself saying. I created a new blog and started over writing not so much from an activists point of view, rather I relay issues as they happen in my daily life. Many entries I write have nothing about my disability, however most have some point that relates back. I don't like reading my own complaints, so I just write from the heart about issues I care about and let the reader conclude what they will.
AL Masters

I will be adding a link to your blog. Thanks again and good luck.

Daedalus said...

You are probably also helping others to cope with their disabilities, too.

jan said...

Since I write a dog related blog, I have learned from your blog and enjoyed reading it. I hope you continue to write so that people can understand your perspective on life and realize the value of dogs to the quality of life in our world.

These comments were to this post.

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