Groomer Launches Web Radio for Dogs

May 12, 7:15 AM (ET)
By The Associated Press

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - A Thai entrepreneur has launched an Internet radio station to put dogs in a better mood.

Anupan Boonchuen, director of a dog grooming school, said he launched Dog Radio Thailand this week because he has seen music improve the mood of dogs he grooms.

During classes, he turns on music for the dogs because "the music puts the dogs in a good mood and they're more willing to let the groomers handle them," he said.

The programming on mainly comprises Thai pop music, but Boonchuen plans to expand offerings in which the disc jockey will "talk to the dogs in Thai," and the canine listener will be encouraged to respond.

"At 9 a.m., we may have a dog greeting show, in which we'll repeat 'sawasdee' ('hello') over and over... If we say 'sawasdee,' in some houses, the dog may lift both paws in response. In some houses, the dog may lift only one paw. It depends on how the dog was trained," Anupan said.

He said, "If we play a slow song, we may have the DJ howl... because dogs howl, too, when they hear sad sounds."

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Anonymous said…
I'm all for making the jobs of those dog handlers easier, but that is a little much.

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