Lost and Found

As most of my readers know, I'm wear many different hats in my life: Dog Trainer, Wife, Computer Genius, Lizard Lady. And the area I'm currently still learning the most in is with my lizards.

Well, something happened the other night that I'm at a loss to explain.

I have a Prehensile Tailed Skink (aka: monkey tail skink, Solomon Islands Tree Skink). Her name is Baby Doll and she's a very kewl lizard. I usually keep her tank lid open so that she can climb out onto a fake ficus tree I put next to her tank.

For the last year, she's been keeping to her tank or that tree, never venturing any further.

In the last few months, all that has changed. She's been wandering.

One morning, I got up and she was no where to be found. I searched the house as best I could without wearing myself out, and then figured the hubby could do a more thorough search when he got home from work.

Later in the day, I heard a noise behind a speaker in my studio. There she was, and boy, was she happy to see me! She scrambled onto my arm as if to say, "mommy, I was lost, thank God you found me!".

So, instead of letting her climb freely out of her tank, the last week or so, I've been manually taking her out and placing her on a fake tree stump I put on my coffee table. And there she stays. I figure she loves the show "24" as much as I do.

Note, when I'm not using this fake tree stump for her, I keep it in the corner of my living room on the floor. All the way across the room from where her tank is situated.

The other night, I opened her tank top to take her out, but then I was distracted and forgot about her. When I finally went to get her minutes later, she was long gone.

I searched the living room, figuring she couldn't have gone far in those few minutes.

Then, by chance, I looked in the corner of the room where I keep her fake tree stump. And there she was!

She had crawled all the way across the room, over the rug and past the doggies, to get to her favorite spot. Her tree stump.

Like I said, I'm baffled. But it sure made me smile.

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Anonymous said…
What a great story!

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