Getting On My Last Nerve

I'm currently going through one of those periods in my life where my legs are just not cooperating. They're hurting somewhat, but I can manage that with pain meds.

What's really bugging me is that they are extremely fatigued. They're getting tired quicker than usual and really limiting my mobility. And there ain't no pill for that.

I bought a pair of forearm-crutches last year just for times like these. The beauty of these crutches is that they can reduce the weight on my legs and allow me to be more mobile. And, I can use them in non-wheelchair-accessible environments, like private homes.

Unlike regular under-the-arm crutches, forearm-crutches reduce the pressure under the arms where most people will rest their weight. This can cause nerve damage under the armpits and down the arms (like I need more nerve damage).

What's also nice about forearm-crutches compared to under-the-arm crutches is that when you need to grab something or open a door, the top scoop will hold onto the arm when you let go of the grip. This way you don't have to lay the crutch down or hold it with your other hand.

But forearm-crutches do have a few drawbacks. One thing I found is that forearm-crutch use actually takes up to twice the energy of a normal gait. I'm not sure why this is.

Also, compared to a single cane, when using either type of dual-arm crutch, you are pretty much reliant on others to carry stuff around for you. Forget carrying a bottle of water or even a purse on your shoulder.

Just some things to consider when choosing available mobility-assist devices.


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