Judge Compromises in Canine Custody Case

Apr 5, 4:42 PM (ET)

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) - Every dog has his day, but a standard poodle named Zena had her day in court in Shelby County as the center of disputed ownership case.

Divorcing couple Lisa and John Roberts tried to mediate the issue, but couldn't come to a compromise over who would take their dog, so Judge Robert Childers had to step in Tuesday.

Animals are considered property under Tennessee law, so neither owner could be assigned primary custody over the 5-year-old dog or have visitation rights as in a custody case.

After an hour-long hearing, Childers gave split decision, allowing John to take Zena during the week and Lisa to have the dog on the weekends.

"It's like what a Solomon decision might do," said attorney Joe Duncan, who represents John Roberts. "The parties just felt so strongly about this issue that it was very difficult for them to give in, and that's what judges are for."

Dorothy Pounders, attorney for the wife, recalled a similar Memphis case about five years ago involving two golden retrievers. That resulted in another split possession.

She also said there was a Jackson case about the children's pet pig, but that was resolved through mediation.

"They didn't have to litigate the pig," Pounders said.

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