FLS Day - Standing is overrated

Unfortunately, all that standing has made me hurtie.

Enjoy this:

A blonde told her doctor that she was really worried because every part of her body hurt.

The doctor looked concerned and said, "Show me where."

The blonde touched her own arm and screamed, "Ouch!"

Then she touched her leg and screamed, "Ouch!"

She touched her nose and cried, "Ouch!"

She looked at her doctor and said, "See? It hurts everywhere!"

The doctor laughed and said, "Don't worry, it's not serious. You've just got a broken index finger."

PS. The WillaWoman is blonde. So, yeah, I have the right to joke!


She did not touch everywhere that was hurting her.

I thought she would show the physician every part of her body.
The WillaWoman said…
I guess if she did, that joke would be painfully ("painfully", get it?!) long!

The WillaWoman

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