Training Tip: Jumping Jack

LL writes:
Newest issue I don't know how to deal with: when people first come into the apartment [Jack] is a maniac.

Jumps sometimes 6 feet into the air just cause he wants to lick them all over their face. Also he will nip at their hands or purse or clothing. Its not an agressive nip but more of 'hey lets play'. He doesn't do this with me because he is coming out of a kennel when I come home...but when I have had my roommate pup sit...and he's already out when I come home, he DOES do it to me.

Also he does it EVERY time to my roommate. She is a dog lover so is able to deal and doesn't get mad or anything, but I would like to be able to invite people over without putting him up and then leashing him when they first are introduced. When I do that, it usually still takes him a few minutes to calm down. He is just so people oriented.

Its not that bad when we are out of the apartment believe it or not. (maybe because I am able to correct with a
leash!) I've tried to do the leash when he first sees someone but thats not always avaliable (roommate just coming in, or people randomly knocking on the door).

Its getting frustrating!!!!

Hey LL!

Well, you kinda hit the nail on the head. The reason he's not as bad outside of the apartment is because you have leash control for issuing a correction.

This type of behavior is one that does take a long time to train out of a dog. Even my dogs are not as good as I'd like them to be. Because of it, I do tend to put my dogs up (kennel-up in the bathroom) before I let guests come in. Then I'll bring one out at a time on a leash.

Here's some things you can try:
  • Keep a short leash by the door. A cotton lead, something under 4 ft. Hook him up when someone knocks.
  • Set up training opportunities. If you know someone is coming over, use that opportunitiy to train with the leash. In this case, use the prong collar also.
  • "Train" the people coming over! Have them ignore jack when he's being bad. If he's jumping up, hey, step on those little toes. That's a good aversion method. He jumps up and ouch, toes hurtie!
  • He gets ZERO good attention when doing this behavior. Don’t even look at him. Since your roommate is the main person coming and going, she really needs to ignore him until his ass is on the floor sitting.

Here's a list of articles off Google for more info.
Good Luck!


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