Training Tip: Jumping Jack Part Two

LL said... I will try the leash by the door for unexpected visits.

Now...for the roommate, what should she do when she comes in BESIDES ignore him esp when he is nipping at her hands/clothes. Its really hard to ignore that. She is more than willing to heed advice for training.

The WillaWoman said... What is she doing now? I wanna know what's not working.

LL said... She comes in and trys to calm him down. Saying sit or off. Usually off, over and over and he isn't getting off. She makes her way into her room (where there is a gate to block him from getting in. Thats all we've done to solve it.

Jack has bonded with her more than any other previous roommate. He gets REALLY excited when she comes home and if my door is shut and she comes home (he even knows the sound her car makes when she locks it) he gets really upset when I don't open the door so he can see her. She also puppy sits quite a bit (about once a week they spend all day together). I can tell a huge difference between his reaction to her over even new strangers. (Sometimes I find myself getting jealous!!!!!)

The WillaWoman said...
Ok, try this. When she comes in, have her not speak to him, not look at him, and just make her way inside as if he's not even there. Keep it very low key. If she has to step on him to walk by, so be it. He needs to get that if he's acting like a spaz, she will not give him want he wants, which is obviously attention. Remember, for Jack, any attention is good attention.

That's part one, ignoring him when he's trying to get attention in a bad way.

Part two: leaving the area of excitement.

He's obviously giving you cues that she has arrived home by hearing her car (aren't they so smart!). When he starts getting excited, grab that prong and leash and use it as a training opportunity. Have some of his fave treats ready too if he responds to that.

At first, he's gonna be a spaz on the leash. Instead of trying to get him off of her or trying to get him to sit right away, take him on the leash outside of the apartment...just leave. Basically, you want to take him away from the excitement. Walk around a bit, then come back to the aptmnt and see if you can get him to sit in front of her. Rinse and repeat! Once his ass does hit the ground, she can praise him and pat him on the chest. Keep it low key tho.

All this may seem like a pain, but her arrival for you is always a training opportunity...that is until jack "gets it". It might take a while, but it can be done.


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