Shameless Plug (and eBay rant!)

I just wanted to post a link to some stuff I'm selling on Overstock Auctions. Here's a link.

Yeah, I know this is probably a dirty deed, plugging my sales on my blog. But what the heck, I'm selling mostly musical equipment right now, and I know I have some loyal readers that are musicians... maybe I can hook someone up with some nice vintage synths.

Oh, and I'm selling on Overstock because eBay is a whore.

Yes, I said it. eBay is one of the richest companies around right now, yet they continue to raise their already too high fees.

Well, I say "bite me". Overstock is a great site and their fees are low enough that a part-time seller like me can sell on Overstock and still make a small profit.

Yeah, if my stuff doesn't sell on Overstock, I'll have to try listing on eBay. But it's nice to have a choice and not feel like eBay has me by the balls. If I had balls... boobs? Nope, none of those either. Ovaries! Ouch!

(click to enlarge)

This is freakin' hilarious!


AsharEdith said…
cube said…
No, don't enlarge... this is large enough as it is. Oh, my burns.

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