Love is...

I think the hubby is in love. And I'm jealous. He's fallen in love with Willie.

I can see it in his eyes. Willie can do no wrong. Willie is the "golden child".

I saw this look in the hubby's eyes when he was training Frankie. He's able to bond so well with which ever dog he's working with. He's a dog trainer at heart, he just didn't know it until he met Frankie.

Luckily, I've fallen in love with Frankie thru this bonding process. Even though I still feel guilty not working with Willie as much, Frankie is a fun dog to work and I'm really enjoying it. And so is he.

We're such a weird family.


Anonymous said…
I have been watching you blog for a while, I make natural products for people, pets & horses & I happen to be in a wheelchair also. If you are interested in some kind of meeting of the minds (so to speak) let me know. I'm not sure if you are into natural products but I like your site just the same.
The WillaWoman said…
This is interesting. Do you have a website.

Thanks for reading!
The WillaWoman
Anonymous said…
It's the main portal, so you will need to use the "Kender Kennel" link in either the navigation bar or within the body of the site. I offer both wholesale & retail pricing, so you would be able to choose either to just buy for yourself or buy wholesale by the case & sell to your friends & family much like you would Avon.
May I put a link to your site off my blogs? If so, email me directly or drop a note in either my pet blog or general blog.

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