It's all about the #2

That said, I thought I'd pass along one of my newly-learned tips for dealing with the side effects of pain medications.
What side effects, you ask? How about constipation for one.
Yeah, yeah, I'm talking about poop issues. But you see, in my family, we always discuss our poop issues. It's never been a taboo subject, in fact, most phone conversations include discussions about #2.
Interestingly enough, my mother actually got colon cancer about 6 years ago. Talk about having all our poop convos bite us in the proverbial butt, that was a kick in the pants. (ok, I'll stop now) But my mom's been cancer free for 6 years now (knocking wood) and she's doing great.
Anyway, back to the constipation. One of the crappy (ok, now I'm done) side effects of pain meds is constipation. But I recently learned and tried an old-timey remedy for this: Mineral Oil.
I know, I too thought "how gross is this". Just the thought of it made me want to gag. And then seeing the oil slick floating on the top of my grape juice was even worse. But oddly enough, it's actually no biggie to drink. It's flavorless, and I use a straw to stir it up as I'm drinking it.
Here's my recipe:
- One glass.
- One straw.
- One tablespoon of Mineral Oil.
- 8oz. grape juice.
- Drink.
It's smooth sailing from there. Ok, now I'm really done!
My grandbabies even come and get me to look at their poop. It's just a thing with me, while they re little I want to look at their poop.
Those of us that take pain meds, know so well the wonderful side effect of constipation !!
Not Pooping is a real pain in the ass (I couldn't resist) and the recipe sounds like one I can live with. Not bad at all.
I am sorry that your having FLS days. I know the cold weather doesn't help either. At least you have "legs" to warm you. Oh, perhaps not................Are you still sleeping in separate bedrooms?
Poor Legs, he may need me more then ever now.
Speaking of Legs............Now I have seen his finger !!
So when do I get to see the whole body??
I suppose never ever ever.
Anyway, I hope you are feeling better, less constipated and have a great Thanksgiving.
Oh, I loved the blog article regarding the wonderful effect dogs have on heart patients. I think those of us that live alone or have illness should have an animal. Dogs, cats, lizards, snakes, bats, whatever.
I cannot imagine going home everyday to an empty house. My "kids" have that unconditional love and listen to my rambling. Not to mention that I never feel scared or un-safe. Living in Houston is scary and when you have poor hearing & eyesight your in trouble. Thank God for my four legged kids. All 5 of them.
Take care and wishing you FGDays.