
Erik Weber said...
"Nice blog. My name is Erik, I am disabled and a friend of Kati's. She's a wonderful person. I've been disabled for the past 5 years. I've had multiple spinal fusions. All of which have failed."

"Even though I have breed reptiles for over 20 years. It really hit home, being confined mostly to home, how therapeutic caring for these beautiful creatures have become. Can't leave my cat out of the picture, don't want to upset her. I recommend working with these geckos. They bring a lot of joy and inspiration to my life. I cherish all of them. They help me get on my feet and look forward to each day."

I received this wonderful comment about my article on Kati's Crested Geckos. This is the type of comment that really makes my day and helps me realize that writing this blog is important.

We disabled folks are really just like everyone else, but I can't help to think we are also given a special way to view the world.

Strangely enough, my disability often feels like a gift rather than hindrance.


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