This Too Shall Pass

Week 3 of Migraines.

Hopefully this will be the last week. Got diagnosed with a sinus infection yesterday, started antibiotics and also got a script for Imitrex Injectable.

All the blinds are down.
Bright light.


Anonymous said…
No questions only a comment
Be careful with Imitrex.
I am sure you & your Doc. have a very secure trust worthy relationship so I should not interject.
It is just that from what I know about Imitrex it can be a real wing dinger of a rush.
I am so sorry to hear that you are suffering from migraines. Yikes, those are the worst!!
I'll pray for some good ole intervention.
Hang in there willowy woman
p.s.what am i gunna do when i can't read those stupid letters .........word id.??
Better get a Sdog
Jen said…
Hugs to you!

I've had to become very good friends with the injectable imitrex at times in the past. If you put an ice pack on the area you're going to inject for a little while it makes it sting less...

Hope the new prescription helps!

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