Ultimate Fighting Canines

Mock-fighting between Willie and Frankie is usually the norm of the day. Actually, at least a couple times a day those two boys go "at" each others throats pretending to kill each other.

Because Willie is the alpha-dog in the house, us alpha-humans make sure to encourage him when he's mock-fighting with Frankie, even though it usually looks like Frankie is winning. I swear, Frankie mock-fights like he's a UFC grappler (for those of you who don't know what Ultimate Fighting is, see here. Yes, I'm into UFC fighting. It started with the first season of Ultimate Fighter on SpikeTV. Those dudes are true athletes. And I'm a true Reality TV Whore!). Frankie likes to maneuver his entire body over Willie, laying on him and rotating his body to get some good nips in Willie's "soft spots". Mucho fun to watch.

The reason I bring all this up today, tho', is because when I was taking the boys out to potty (no running in the backyard today, too muddy. I'm taking them out front on a flexi and I sit on the porch while they go.), an interesting exchange occurred between Willie and Frankie.

I took Willie out first (alpha-dog does everything first). Then I brought Willie back in, and put Frankie on the flexi and took him out. When I brought Frankie back in and took his collar off, Willie immediately mounted him. Then he knocked him down and proceeded to use his entire weight to keep Frankie on the floor while he pretended to tear his throat out.

Now, Willie outweighs Frankie by 10-15 lbs. But I've never seen Willie use his weight as so much of an advantage to keep Frankie on the floor. It was kewl! Frankie was overwhelmed and literally could not get up.

This whole exchange only lasted a few seconds, but I think for some reason Willie needed to assert himself today. Not sure I'll ever know why, but I do know I said "Good boy, Willie" when it was all over.

Tap Out!!


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