Axe Me A Question... more!

I thought I'd post this again to stir up some more questions from y'all!

Go ahead and ask. Ask the questions you always wanted to ask someone in a wheelchair. Nothing is too embarrassing. You might as well ask me on this blog since you are somewhat anonymous and don't have to look me in the eye.

What have you always wanted to ask someone in a wheelchair?

Here, I'll start:

Q: "Hi, my name is Ace Freely! I wanted to know what color is your wheelchair?

A: Well, Ace, my first wheelchair was a boring teal color. But my current chair is what's called "toxic green". It really "stands" out! The salesman said that only kids ordered that color, not adults. I said "I'll take it"!

Howze that?
Ask away, no question is off limits! (Oh Jeez, what am I getting myself into!)

The WillaWoman


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