Willie's Brother Elliott Is Improving - Thanks To All For Your Prayers And Thoughts

A message from Elliott's mommy:

We decided to do things our way (duh!)...that is, the way they should have been being done all along, before we put him back in any hospital. All that they could do for him there that's different from anywhere else is the peritineal dialysis I discussed with you, and he is nowhere near being bad enough right now to need it, and if I get my way (and I usually do, as we know), he won't need it at all this time around.

I am now exhausted, too...since fluids are the main thing...IV every four hours 250ml's, plus about 6 other meds: to prevent infection, a diuretic, anti-emetic, stomach ulcer protection, anti-diarrheal, his IV solution and all that, etc, etc, and then the big money drug Procrit or Epo, which is the short version of the chemical's name erythropoietin...it's the same drug they give to human renal failure patients, who have the same thing happen to them regarding the anemia, and also to cancer patients going through chemo, which doesn't care what it kills, it just kills it, cancer or not. (The worst part about chemo drugs is that they don't have a brain.)

Elliott...his numbers are coming down slowly, but they ARE coming down. Not looking for a miracle here, because there isn't one for him, but we can hopefully get them down to where he can live a semi-normal, only semi-medically-invasive life for however long he can do it. He's one helluva fighter...shoulda named him Lance maybe...no wait...Lance is gonna have to change his name to Elliott, no discussion. LOL

Today Elliott had his Epo shot, so it was a bit of a rough one...but he played a little floor fetch with Daddy in the living room this morning (no running or jumping with a needle stuck in one's front leg, thank you!), and "chased" a leaf across the backyard this afternoon. I stood and watched him with Breebrat...she's looking at him like "Have you totally lost your mind? It's a LEAF you moron!" while I'm grinning like a moron myself, but with water running down my cheeks like two little streamlets. It's the little things, you know?

I DO believe that with all the people who even have thought about him just ONE time between word of mouth, and your blog, there's no chance he's leaving us anytime soon. Keep sending whatever you're sending...it's working. THAT you may print...my gratitude to everyone who's keeping a positive thought in their hearts and/or head's for Elliott. Means more than words can express.

[Here's the previous post regarding Elliott's fight for life.]


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