No, "Crip" Didn't Mean Gang Member

You live, you learn.

I received only 2 comments on my "Talk To A Crip Tuesday" proclamation, and one of them was from someone I know and highly respect (thanks Ricky!).

Ricky Buchanan said... Not all people with a disability like to be referred to as crips, I love the basic idea but it you want to have it grow into something big, you will need to use more inclusive language.

With encouragement

This comment made me realize that just because I'm comfortable with calling myself a crip doesn't mean others are comfy with this term. See, even the disabled can make inappropriate comments!

So, with that, I now proclaim every 2nd Tuesday of the month as "TALK TO THE DISABLED DAY". I'm going to edit yesterday's post to reflect this.

You live, you learn!
The WillaWoman

PS. Ricky is owner of NoPity Shirts - The Best Disability-Related and Motivational Stuff in the Galaxy! Please visit her site.


Anonymous said…
Go grrl!!


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