I Don't Need No Stinkin' TiVo

Before I started getting sick, I was the quintessential type-A. I was climbing the corporate ladder within IBM, I was working an extra night shift on the weekends, I was performing with and writing material for Rosetta Stone (Poughkeepsie's #1 Rock Band at the time), I was hiking and biking and swimming and lifting weights, I was modding my car, I was training my dog... in other words, I was on the move constantly. I would not have wanted a TiVo if you gave me one for free.
Now, if I can get out of bed, shower, dress and make breakfast without taking a pain pill, it's a Good Day.
Life has changed, but I consider it a blessing in disguise. It has forced me to slow down and smell the roses. It has given me the time to have deeper relationships with my family and friends, and it has given me a new perspective on life. It has allowed me to forgive myself and others for things that happened when I would younger, things that I attribute to my inability to "see the big picture". I was just moving through life too fast.
And it has introduced me to a new life as a Wheelchair Service Dog user.
Oh, and I now own 2 TiVo's! (Actually, one is a Time Warner DVR and the other is my FreeVo. Get it, Free? It's a TiVo unit I built myself from spare computer parts. Did I mention that I'm a genius?! I guess my modesty hasn't changed over these years, eh? Oy.)
And it has introduced me to a new life as a Wheelchair Service Dog user.
Oh, and I now own 2 TiVo's! (Actually, one is a Time Warner DVR and the other is my FreeVo. Get it, Free? It's a TiVo unit I built myself from spare computer parts. Did I mention that I'm a genius?! I guess my modesty hasn't changed over these years, eh? Oy.)