You Pull Me Right Round

I got a nice email from Ricky, owner of No Pity Shirts.

Question from a fellow-cripple: I don't understand much about service dogs. I have a cat who is the best emotional therapy ever, but he isn't much into pushing my chair! You wrote about your dogs pulling (pushing?) your wheelchair - how does this work? I imagine there's some type of special harness? Could you show us a photo of a dog pulling somebody in a chair please?

ANSWER: Ricky, my Service Dogs pull my chair. Willie and Frankie both use a harness designed by Nordkyn Outfitters. They both use a SiWash-style harness. JoJo used a harness designed by Bridgeport Equipment.

Here's a picture of JoJo in her harness (that's Willie in training as a puppy!):
Short video of Willie pulling:
Dial-up Link
Broadband Link

Full video of Willie and us on the news:
Dial-up Link
Broadband Link



Panthergirl said…
That is very cool!!!

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