Morning Has Broken.... Me

I am not a morning person.

I tend to stay up pretty late... 1-2am most nights. By the time I do start making my way from the couch to the bed I am a walking zombie. Even though I get up at 10 or 11am, I'm not "up" if ya know what I mean. You'd be wise to give me wide berth until I've eaten and showered.

Two things to note:
  1. Don't ask me "how're you feeling today?" right when I get up. I have no idea yet.
  2. I hate Cheerful Morning People.

One day I figured it out. Why would someone who depends on sleep so desperately stay up so late?

Here's why: Before I go to sleep, I know right at that moment how good or bad I feel. But I have no idea what I'm going to feel like when I wake up.

It's the fear of the unknown.

I never know how good or bad I'm going to feel when I wake up the next day, and it's this fear that keeps me from going to sleep. Once I realized this, I no longer felt guilty for staying up too late. I guess this also explains my frequent bouts with insomnia.

  • Crips: Are you the same way? Let me know.
  • Non-Crips: Do you have any crip friends that are like this? Did this article help you understand why they stay up so late?


Anonymous said…
LOL! I'm pretty much the same exact way.
Jackie Bolen said…
I live in a kind of dorm like thing and this morning a new lady was doing her hair in the bathroom as I just woke up and was dazedly making my way to the bathroom. She all of a sudden starts asking me all these annoying questions. I was annoyed.

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