
Today was the first time I've ever "worked" Frankie alone. By myself... no Rick, no Willie. And it was pretty good!

I put the word "worked" in quotes because Frankie's still in training and it shows. He still lacks those little nuances that Willie has. Here's a few things he still needs to get:

  • Slowing down the pace inside a crowded store. He still tries to go at break neck speed, and it's my neck that's gonna break!
  • Anticipating turns. Not sure if this is a mind-meld thing I have with Willie, or if he feels when I'm starting to lean into a turn. Since I know Frankie doesn't have this skill yet, I try to give him ample prep time to do a turn so he doesn't get his footsies run over.
  • Relaxing on a down/stay. Frankie's down looks like a cheetah ready to pounce. He's laying down, but his belly isn't touching the ground. It takes him quite a while to relax completely.
  • Settling down in the car. Frankie is still standing in the back seat. I prefer my dogs to settle down on a trip and lay down. At least I tie-wrapped the tags on his collar so I don't have to "hear" him moving about.
These things will all come with time, especially since most are attributable to youth. But it sure was fun today to take him out with me!

Good Boy!


Wow, your music. Its different and cool. How would classify it?
The WillaWoman said…
I have a hard time classifying my music, but "Cry..." is in the Electronica:Mellow category under

Thanks for listening!
The WillaWoman

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