What's That Dog Doing in Here?

This past weekend, my hubby and Willie and I went to Home Depot. Because I've never come across another working dog while I was out with mine, not even a Seeing Eye Dog, I did not expect to come around the corner in the toilet seat section and wheel into a dog. This dog was on a long lead and was obviously not a Service Dog. Not because it's handler did not "look" disabled, I'm not that naive, but because the dog did not appear to be trained. This was a "pet" dog. In Home Depot.

I went to a clerk and asked if he could find out if it was a Service Dog and if it wasn't, if he could ask the man to leave. He got on the store phone and a minute later there was an announcement over the store's speaker system. I didn't hear the verbiage, but the clerk came over and said an announcement was made that there are no "pet" dogs allowed in Home Depot.

A bit later, I was wheeling up to the front of the store, and there was the guy with the dog! So I went up to another clerk and pointed him out. That clerk said the he already spoke to the guy and asked him to leave. Just then, the guy walked out thru the check-out lines and left.

I didn't make any assumptions and I let the store speak to the guy to make sure it wasn't a Service Dog. It made me very nervous to run into this guy and his dog. I am always on a heightened state of alert when I go (infrequently) into Petsmart, but in normal human stores, my alert level is only on DefCon 1.

Once this guy left, I breathed a sigh of relief.


Anonymous said…
entring home depot i was attacked by asmall dog and bitten on the back of my leg the dog wouldnt let go until i swatted at it.totally unprovoked attack. the dog was leashed and with its owners,they continued to walk away with the dog in toe,thats when i hollered at them the dog had bit me,while getting their names they admitted the dog had bitten beforethey were concerned about a law suit, not my injuries.this dog should have been muzzeled while in public When i go shopping the last thing i need is to be injured Home depot ,grocery stores &wallmart need to smarten up to protect their customers I have 2 dogs and they would never be taken to any store My lawyer will sort this one out

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