He's Smarter Than He Looks

Dogs have 3 forms of intelligence:

Adaptive intelligence: Consists of both learning ability (the number of experience an individual needs to code something into relatively permanent memory) and problem solving (the ability to put together bits of information into a correct answer or to discover new ways to apply previously learned information to novel situations). Adaptive intelligence allows individuals, both human beings and animals, to adapt to their environments or provides them with the skills necessary to modify their environments to suit their needs.

Working or obedience intelligence: Allows dogs to respond appropriately to various commands. The characteristics of working intelligence include a long attention span, the mental flexibility to try another approach when the first responses to a particular command are not rewarded, and the communication skills to realize when its handler is attempting to communicate something.

Instinctive intelligence: Defined as those genetically determined abilities and behavioral predispositions that allow the dog to do a particular job: for example, terriers to go to ground, bloodhounds to track, spaniels to flush game birds, or border collies to herd sheep.



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