Avoid Vertical Opportunities

Having a male service dog has it's downsides. One is the ever-present "package". Luckily, I've been blessed with 2 males that are not overly endowed. I try not to offend.

The other downside is leg lifting. The problem with having a male dog that will only pee by lifting his leg is what do you do when there are no vertical opportunities? Case in point: airport tarmacs. I don't think the airport would appreciate a dog peeing on a 747's tire.

The best way to deal with this situation is to nip it in the bud very early. From day one, try to avoid "vertical opportunities" by taking the pup out on a lead, saying "go pee", and stay away from trees, sign posts, fire hydrants and other vertical objects.

I also recommend you neuter your males very early, preferably at 4 months of age (the same age you should do your first hip x-rays). If you have any other dogs in the house and the pup exhibits any early mounting behaviors, have him neutered even earlier.

If a pup has never lifted it's leg to pee, and then is neutered, odds are he will never need to lift his leg to pee. This will also help prevent the need for the male to constantly "mark" his territory. You need to have a service dog that will empty it's bladder when told to "go pee", not save it up for marking opportunities.

Of course, there's always the exception. In my house I have Willie, the current SDog and non-leg-lifter. Then there's Barney, the "pet" dog and frequent-leg-lifter. Frankie, the pup, has been trained since 9 wks old not to lift his leg. But on occasion he "mimics" Barney. If he sees Barney lift, he may go over and lift on the same spot. It was funny to watch the first few times he attempted this maneuver. His balance (and aim) was a bit off! Frankie will also mimic Willie and squat where Willie has just squatted. Frankie's funny like that.

The only downside to this has been the occasional child who is confused and asks why that boy dog is peeing like a girl dog.


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