At Least I Don't Have To Save For His College Fund

Frankie has certainly come a long way. From a hyper-active toddler, to a troubled teen, to a playful but mature young adult, to a genius middle-aged woman.

Oh wait. That's me.

Remember how your parents would say to you when you were being bad as a child: "I can't wait until you have children. I hope you have one just like you so you know how you made my life a living hell."? Well, that has happened to me. Except my child is furry and has 4 legs.

Frankie has always been a handful for us. He didn't respond at first to the training techniques we were used to. He defied authority. Any attention was good, even if he was getting disciplined. And that all sounds just like me!

But this weekend he showed that, like me, he also turned out pretty good.

Rick and I worked him using the wheelchair. At first, as usual, he was pulling hard and fast. Too fast, and too out of control. But after a few minutes he calmed down and was responding well to commands. I had Rick let go of my wheelchair (he had been pushing me while I worked Frankie) and go sit on the curb. Then I worked Frankie alone.

That day Frankie showed me he's gonna be a great service dog. I told Rick afterwards that if Willie had to retire tomorrow (God Forbid), Frankie could work for me just fine. He did just that good.

We'll wait and see if that day's events are repeatable next time we do some training. But for now, Frankie appears to have become a fine, young, mature Service Dog.



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