Let's Try Not To Make Him Look Dumber

Tonight Frankie kept trying to show me his retieval skills by bringing me things I didn't ask for. He brought me 2 tugs and my socks. Well, one of my pair of socks I had left on the floor behind my chair.

Later that night I needed to find the other sock. So I told Frankie to "smell it" while showing him the one sock he had already brought me. Then I put that sock on the counter and said "find it". Meaning "find me the OTHER sock".

He raced around the house with such promise of bringing me that other sock. But alas, after a few laps around the house, he came up with nothing. So we thought we'd end it on a positive note and the hubby put the first sock on the floor in the hallway. Then I said "find it" again, hinting that the sock was down the hall.

He sniffed everywhere but down the hall. Then he ran down the hall sniffing and ran right past the planted sock. Three times.

We decided to hand him the sock and say "take it, go see mommy". He took it for like 2 seconds and then dropped it nowhere near me. I picked it up and praised him anyway. What the heck, at least he "looked" smart running around looking for the sock.

Later I found the other sock hidden behind the bathroom door. Oy.


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