A Service Dog's Lifetime Timeline
Below is some information provided by Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) that shows how long it takes to train their Service Dogs. This timeline also holds true for us self-trainers, except we do ALL the work. We do everything the CCI volunteers do and everything the CCI trainers do. More importantly, we also can experience the same failure rate shown below. Something all self-trainers have to keep in mind. -------------------------- Only 40% of the puppies that enter the Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) program will complete the more than 2-year-long training and be matched with a human partner. Dogs are removed from the program along the way for health, behavior or temperament issues. Puppies that are released from the program are generally adopted by their volunteer puppy raisers or placed in carefully selected homes. At two months old: Puppy is turned over to a volunteer. Volunteers work with their dogs for up to 16 months. They provide a secure and safe home. They...